Monday, April 27, 2009

Love it

This is pretty much my new position!  Gotta love it!  I am at work with squeaky today, we had an audit and I "volunteered" to make sure my position was well represented.  We had a bad gas night last night so my sleep has been compromised, he also HATES these fluorescent lights.  Mylicon drops seem to make things worse, any ideas?  We are headed home soon!!  

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have a few minutes to post a little something since all three monkeys are asleep right now!  I can hear the littlest monkey squeaking right now though so who knows how long I have!!  He had taken on the nickname of Squeaky the Stinky.  Or Squeaky for short!  The most noise he makes are little squeaks or grunts at this point and the older monkeys love it.  They run over every time he makes a squeak and check to see if his eyes are open.  I think they would hold him all day long if I let them, or if they did not have colds at this point in time.  We made it through most of the winter with very little sickness and now we all have a chest cold except for squeaky.  I can't tell you how bad it sucks to have a horrible cough 2 weeks from having a c-section.  Thank goodness I was very selective on when to take my pain medicine and I have some left for night time.  
My parents went home Sunday and it was a very sad day for me.  I thought I had complete control over my hormones but I have let several tears fall when thinking about how much I miss having my mom and dad here.  I even had a short lapse of judgment and nearly called my mother in law to ask her to come stay for a couple of days.  Of course I snapped out of that as soon as that percocet left my system.  That would have been STUPID!!  I already have to deal with a visit this Saturday.  But we are doing the Autism walk we do every year and so there will be buffers. 

We seem to be settling in well with our new "routine".  Of course there is not really any routine at this point other than making sure everyone gets fed, bathed, and in bed at a decent hour.  I am still sleeping on the couch because it is so much easier to get out of than my bed.  On a miraculous note, the littlest monkey enjoys sleeping in his bassinet.  The other two were co-sleeping by two weeks old and he is still sleeping in his bassinet.  It seems it was not a total waste of money!  He nurses well, not that I give him a chance not to!  He is not quite as ravenous as little monkey was but much better than big monkey who gave me fits.  I just wish he would poop when eating like the other two did.  Then we could change a diaper and nurse the other side and go back to sleep.  He likes to wait until back in the bassinet and then grunt and kick his legs out until it happens!  Silly boy!  We went for the two week check up and he is over his birth weight (which was much smaller than predicted) and grew 3/4 inch already.  Everything looked good.  Did you know that breech babies have different shaped heads?!?  
I admit that I am probably doing too much already.  But I can't see how anyone could really stand not to do ANY housework for 6 weeks.  It was hard not to laugh when my doctor said this to me.  I have been taking it easy, no cleaning sprees, and doing one or two things a day.  No entire house vacuuming.. in fact the monkeys do most of the vacuuming... thank goodness for the Dyson!  
Boy did bringing that baby home make the other two look like grown ups!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Quickie update

The baby is here and we are all at home trying to get our new routine going!  It is so wonderful to have a new baby back in the house.  He is just beautiful and the monkeys are in love, as are the rest of us.  My mom is still here helping out, a complete Godsend for sure!

I will get back into our new routine soon and get some updates on the delivery and specifics soon, I promise.  For now, here are the basics..
Adrian Brady 
Born 7:54 AM
7 lbs 7 oz
20 1/4 inches
Full head of gorgeous black hair!1

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Frustrated and relieved

Contractions for 3 1/2 days and abosolutely, positively no dilation at all!!  My cervix was completely closed yesterday when I went in for my last check before the c-section Tuesday.  I had to laugh, it was either that or cry.  Part of me was relieved.  Now I get to have a "relaxing" weekend before I have a beautiful new baby attached to me 24/7.  The other part of me was frustrated for all of the time spent uncomfortable the past few nights!  The monkeys and my hubby are outside doing yard work and having a blast.  I have not done much this morning other than make a list of things I would like to get finished up today.  Surprisingly enough, the list is pretty small.  I keep trying to figure out more things to put on it, but can't!  
So, I will keep trying to relax.  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

38 Weeks and 4 Days


Last day of work for awhile

Well I am going to be leaving work in a few minutes.  I am leaving a little early because of the bad weather we are about to have.  Just want to run home so I don't have to drive in it.  I can hear the rumbling thunder right now.  They let schools go early in Mississippi because of the bad storms.   I think they must have anticipated it coming through right at dismissal time, because honestly I think the kids would have been safer in their schools than at home in many cases.  I know I am personally tired of all of the rain.
This is my last day before the littlest monkey makes his way into the world.  I am so excited but it seems sort of surreal too.  I have been steadily having contractions with no real pattern or added intensity since Tuesday night.  My feet are so swollen that I will have to sneak out of here barefoot because I can not put my darn shoes back on!   So I am ready to be home and REALLY ready to hold this baby boy!  I am sure I will check in this weekend and the hopefully I can get pictures posted of the littlest monkey soon after he is born, or at least get my cousin Lacy to do so for me!!
Better run, the thunder is getting closer!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not trying to be a jokester today

Still here and still with baby in tow!  I need to get things in order in my office since I have decided not to come to work next Monday and I have Fridays off anyway.  So tomorrow will be the last day.  That is, as long as I don't go into labor before then.  I did have a couple of hours worth of contractions last night and have had a few this morning, but nothing to write home about.  I think they are just braxton hicks that are a bit more often.  I kept thinking last night that there was no way I was having a baby on April Fool's Day!  I just know that no one would believe me when I called to say I was in labor!!
So anyway, the countdown is on for the monkeys.  They ask me every night about when the baby gets to come out.  I have decided to make Monday a day about them (and of course a few last minute things on my list) and let them pick what we will do since I will be a little out of commission after that day.  Has anybody seen Monsters and Aliens yet (or whatever that new animated movie is called) ?  I thought about taking them but I wanted to make sure it was not too scary.  I don't really want to see the 3D version of it either - that tends to make me sick.  
Well I guess I better get some stuff wrapped up here at work!