Monday, June 1, 2009

Belly pic 8 weeks post partum

Okay, this might be a little weird but I am planning on using this picture as part of my motivation now that I have the go ahead to start running again.  I decided to talk about this new struggle/goal instead of the fact that I am back to work today.  I will save the fact that I had the sweetest little baby sleeping in his bassinet this morning when I had to get in the van to cry myself to work for another post.  He was even making those sweet little baby sighs.  I won't go into how much using a pump sucks... plastic is not nice to bewbies... but I will continue to use it for the next year or so like I did with the other monkeys.   
Nope, instead I will talk about how much baby weight I STILL have to lose!!  I saw some people out running this morning and I was so torn.  Part of me wants to get up and go and  the other part is apprehensive about how I will feel when I can't just get up and do 7 miles without much thought!  I can't even remember where I put my ipod!  I am going back and forth about going at lunch today, simply because I want to get home as soon as possible to be with the monkeys.  I was spoiled spending eight weeks at home with them all!
I did do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred over the weekend.  It was a great workout.  I was sore from just the level one session and I did not even put forth all of my effort.  I think it will be great throughout my training for the ZOOMA run because it has so much strength training and I am lazy when it comes to doing that on my own!
Being back to work should help with my diet.  I plan on stocking my office with healthy snacks and lunches and hope they don't give littlest monkey gas!  So  hopefully my next "belly pic" will be much better looking.
I plan on posting a recap of the fun things we did during my maternity leave soon.  I forgot my camera cable so I can't get the pictures up today.


Connie said...

That is great motivation for your reaching your goal of running again! You can do this. I know that you want to spend as much time with the kids as you can but you need to take time for yourself too.

Good Luck!

Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Lacy Rose said...

You can do it!
I cant believe he is 8 weeks already!
New Pics of squeaky please :)

Sherry said...

o so glad to have you back to blog land i cant wait to see pictures, i understand you had a great visit to indiana. you look great and you know you can do it

Lori said...

I should do that, post a post-baby belly pic for motivation. Wait who am I kidding, NO WAY!
I do have the urge to start running again too, but it's so hard with 2 kids, I did buy a double jogger stroller though, so I really have no excuse. I did the same 30 day shred tape and was so sore after level 1 and got up to level 2 and quit after 2 weeks, I got bored and level 3 was too hard.
Bummer you have to go back to work, I have been working a little here and there but not much. Soon, though, cause I'm running out of my money I saved for maternity leave.