Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Famous, sort of..

I have a wonderful new friend who has made me feel famous and loved and added even more (if possible) to my excitement for blogging.

Thank you so much Jennifer from

Oh, can somebody explain to me how to do links and strike through words?!?


Glowstars said...

For links there's a little globe symbol with a chainlink on top of it. Write whatever you want for the link, highlight it and click on the symbol to type in the address.

I never worked out how to do strikethrough on blogger, so always changed to the html tab and used < del > word to strikethrough < /del >

Shanna said...

Thanks for the help vic. I lived in Warrington, England for a couple of years in elementary school. I am still in close contact with my best friend from there, so many years later!

Christy said...

Can't help you out with the questions I keep meaning to ask someone how to do it, lol. Welcome to the Blogosphere!I live in LA, Lower Alabama, also.

Connie said...

I just learned the slash.

Email me and I will send you the instructions.

And Welcome to blogging!

Brillig said...

Hey, welcome to the bloggy world! I found you cuz of the link at Jennifer's too. It's very nice to meet you. I have a few boys myself (3, and one girl) and they really are a wonderful (though loud and, um, messy) bunch! Anyway, it's very nice to meet you!

Lacy Rose said...

Congratulations Cuz for being in the blogger know!

Does this make me semi famous too in the internet world? Cause if so Im along for the ride. LOL

Leah said...


I need your address to send you the coupons from the giveaway on my blog! Do it quick so you can get them this week while the freebie deal is still good!


Heather said...

Ok, so I've actually seen Jennifer's boob. In person. I've been *this* close to it. Does that make me infamous instead of famous? Or just perverted? I'm not sure.

I'm in the same city as you, or so Jennifer tells me. Glad to meet you!

Maureen Fitzgerald said...

Looks like you already got the answers to your questions, so I'll just say "howdy" and "welcome"!!

Soccer Mom In Heels said...

Welcome to the blogging world~ I am also a new blogger and just trying to figure everything out~ did you find out the word strike thing? If so, would you please e-mail me? Thanks! Your pics of your kids are really cute!