Thursday, July 24, 2008

Need nutritionist

Every two weeks I plan out two weeks worth of meals and go to the grocery store (love SuperTarget). Well with the new nanny starting the beginning of August, I have to figure out lunch meals too. I figure if I make more the night before they can just reheat leftovers most times. But I am trying to mix it up a little and trying really hard to keep things nutritious and easy for the nanny. Here is where I need your help. Anybody have any ideas of easy lunch fixes for the days I don't have left overs (that are nutritious and I have VERY picky eaters to deal with!)?
And snacks... trying not to get into a rut here!!


Anonymous said...

I bet you're thinking, "oh yay!! I got a comment...maybe someone can help me with lunch!"

Sorry. I'm at a loss for what to fix for lunch. We do leftovers, pb&j, grilled cheese, and quesadillas EVERY DAY. I need some new ideas.

Christy said...

I bought a quesdilla maker at the same Target you shop at and my kids love it. Cheese or cheese and chicken, its so easy to make them, I set out some chips and salsa and sour cream and my kids are in heaven. I also make pizzas in it.

Glowstars said...

Also at a loss. You should post all your ideas (when you get them) so we can all try and push some variety our kids' way.

Shanna said...

I am going to have to try out the quesadilla idea! Great news, my nanny loves to can I work dinner into this!?!?!?

Connie said...

I'm far from a nutritionist. It is impossible because my DS is so picky.

For lunch we have a lot of scrambled eggs, chicken nuggets, turkey dogs, peanut butter and honey sandwiches and mac and cheese. The good thing is that they both love fruit and we eat lots of fruit during the day.